About Me

I’m a sports photographer, specialising in all forms of athletics. Based in Norfolk near King’s Lynn.

Have been involved in athletics for 24 years, all years as a member of Ryston Runners AC. Athletics careers peaked at being a two time East Region Sportshall Speedbounce champion (2005 & 2006), but after that very much filled the club jack of all trades style of athlete, highlights of 6.46m Long Jump and 1.80m in High Jump.

Also been for past 18 years a qualified England Athletics Coach, specialising in Sprints and Jumps.

Photography has turned from a 21 birthday present hobby to obsession. Keen to keep improving and exploring opportunities to take more photos.

Day job is Design Engineer, trained Mental Health First Aider and always keen to promote exercise to help improve our own wellbeing.

Other sports in my background, multiple years playing for West Winch Football Club, ex Captain of Bournemouth University Ultimate Frisbee team.